Welcome to New Dens and Digs

Creativity is on our Breakfast Menu Welcome! We are into innovative solutions for Community living. Land, housing, food, education, wellness are sample areas. We are writers, researchers, thinkers. Community is for Everyone The way we see it, the vast majority of the current approaches don’t work unless you have at least a wheelbarrow full of […]
Blog and Writing Direction

Cranking on the Content Where are we headed? 5 books in a Community series are written and in editing. 20,000+ hours of thinking. Many years of noodling. More publications planned. Publications are in The Village Marketplace in the Portal for Reimagine – Rethink Community. Portal links are also on this blog. The Portal will take […]
Our Style

What’s our style? We will call it like it is. We have little interest (or patience) with greenwashing and other deflections.
We are into public service and giving back.
Old Digs and Treks

Old Dens and Digs This post is on the importance of the need to Reimagine and Rethink Community. Treks To Reimagine and Rethink Community, in your life, is well-priced: it’s free. But, it involves Journey. The problem is that society has woven approaches to our lives over many years. It’s our country, culture, parents and […]
Community Gardens and Greenhouses

We Need Community Greenhouses Today’s post is on Community gardens and greenhouses. Today is a long weekend in Western Canada (my place of birth and where I live). We had some smoke from forest fires in the western provinces. Not so good for walks or hikes! The cost of fresh produce is making it more […]
Complicated Zoning?

They Just Want a Home Vacation Home? It might be. But, in my imagination, it is a home for someone’s grandmother. Or, a young couple starting out: she’s a barista and he’s an artist. They don’t have a lot of money. Or, it might be someone on a fixed income with limited financial resources. It’s […]
A Day at the Beach

Creativity is a Pillar This picture of a child’s toys at the beach reminds me of one of the pillars of Reimagine – Rethink Community. That pillar is to Reimagine My Community. When we were children, life was simple. We picked up a bucket and a plastic shovel. Then, with minimal raw materials, we created […]
Go Karts and Seeds of Creativity

Background On the theme of lost creativity (see the post on A Day at the Beach), we talked about sandcastles. When I grew up in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, it was a time when life was simpler. It was a time of reading Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. The Hardy Boys were breathtaking […]